Hannah possesses a natural affinity and passion for organizing. She has been organizing her own spaces since early childhood—being sent to her room for a timeout was not truly a punishment when she could spend time cleaning and reorganizing! In high school she began supporting her family and friends with packing, moving, decluttering, and organizing projects. This skill set served her well in packing for college and organizing small residence hall rooms efficiently and comfortably. Following graduation from the University of Vermont (UVM), her numerous moves to small apartments required strategic and creative organizing systems, which were always eagerly accepted as exciting challenges. The mental space and relaxation afforded by organized spaces and personalized systems is always a significant reward at the end of a daunting project. And sometimes there is even mental cleansing and satisfaction to be found in the organizing process itself!

Hannah is a proud alum of the Women’s Small Business Program, where she learned how to turn her organizing talents into a business with the support and inspiration from many amazing and talented women and business owners.

Hannah has a personal interest in mental health awareness and advocacy. She works to break down the stigmas that can be attributed to mental health disorders and strives toward continuous personal self-improvement. In doing so, she aims to encourage and support others in working through their own mental health struggles in order to achieve their personal self-improvement goals. Home organizing combines Hannah’s natural organizing talents and passion with her desire to help others work toward becoming the best version of themselves through dedicating attention to their spaces, systems, and routines.

When she is not busy organizing anything and everything she can get her hands on, you can also find Hannah loving every minute as Reception Manager at The Wellness Collective… and yes, maybe doing a little organizing there too. If you’re into the rainbow book organizing trend, check out the bookshelves next time you’re in for an appointment and maybe get inspired to organize your own!