For over a decade, Jenny Elinora (they/she) has helped others grow their voices and expressive presence. Her private coaching, group programs and team collaborations have supported the skills and healing of hundreds of people in the realms of creative exploration and performance. That work strengthened the roots of a vigorous grounding in her own Whole Voice*, now expressed through the music, writing and art of project jelinora.

As a neurodivergent, pansexual femme from white Suburbia, Jenny’s Whole Voice activation and authenticity have been hard fought and won--mostly through battles with self! Through sound vibration and creative expression Jenny is reclaiming parts of their soul from the bizarre cultural territories to which she outsourced them in the first place.

Every moment along the way of Jenny’s lifelong stretch towards deeper health and Wholeness, her motivating mission has been to lift up the voices of people marginalized within her communities. Jenny has helped countless other artists, activists and youth connect and share with the world more authentically through their unique Voices. In this work it's been Jenny’s greatest joy to support the world's ongoing movements towards greater integrity and justice, within a variety of growth-edge contexts like youth leadership programs, prison education systems, empowerment projects for women and femmes, and more.

In working with Jenny, you can expect a warm, relaxed, flexible atmosphere with space to go deep while remaining lighthearted. You can also count on plenty of laughter and a devotion to finding functionality and balance as you seek the growth edge where learning goes farthest–stretching beyond the ‘very easy,’ and stopping well before overwhelm.

Jenny is ready to work with anyone ready to explore their own creative power and Voice, and has a particular affinity for helping women and neurodivergent people along their journeys. One of Jenny’s favorite parts in doing this work is witnessing how even a small foray into creative empowerment changes people's lives for the better, forever.

When she is not busy inspiring creative empowerment, Jenny herself is creating music and magic (also part of her work). She also loves tree-swinging and sun-soaking in the backyard, reading, learning new things, cooking, watching RuPaul's Drag Race, philosophizing with friends, and traveling!

A message from Jenny… "The inspiration I'm most enchanted with, is that when we're all deep into a passionate place of growth and learning in our Whole Voices, our combined vibrations-- physical, emotional, spiritual-- have a greater potential for making positive, healthy change than we could each germinate on our own. It thrills me to find more and more people ready to join in this Power." 


*Whole Voice = the full creative expression of whatever we need to share in the world: speaking, singing, songwriting, music production, filmmaking, drawing, painting, poetry, dancing, blogging, activism, community service, entrepreneurship... and all the rest of the magical possibilities ✨