Mike is a licensed clinical mental health counselor with over 13 years of experience supporting folks across a variety of outpatient, residential, and private settings. His career began at a treatment program in southern Utah where he discovered first-hand how the right kind of assessment and support can lead people to incredible moments of self-discovery. Since then, he has helped people understand more about how their experiences, and beliefs about those experiences, have shaped who they are today.

Mike has extensive experience working with adults, including young and emerging adults, of all genders and identities.

He compassionately guides people through life transitions such as school or career problems, relationship and attachment issues (including those with consensual non-monogamy and polyamory), gender, sexuality and other identity issues. His trauma-informed approach gently helps his clients understand and navigate family conflict, personality disorders, depression and anxiety, and/or grief and loss.

Mike is trained to provide EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) for folks dealing with trauma. This is a proven method to reduce the distress associated with traumatic memories (and other anxieties), especially where traditional talk therapy has been unsuccessful.

Mike strives to be inclusive and open with all of his clients, believing that the therapeutic relationship is paramount to all other aspects of the work. He firmly believes that you are the expert on your life. His job is to help bring context to your experiences, so you can see them from a different angle and identify new ways of approaching challenges. By unearthing core beliefs about yourself, you build awareness around the motivations behind daily interactions and behaviors.

When Mike is not working, he enjoys playing outside! He does all the outdoor things including hiking, camping, paddling, and biking. He loves to mess around in the kitchen and cook ridiculous recipes, snuggle with his dog, and read in a hammock. He enjoys salsa and swing dancing, seeing live music, practicing yoga, and traveling to new places.

If you choose to work with Mike, he will commit to holding space so you can feel safe(r) looking inwards and revealing your most authentic self. To schedule an initial appointment, shoot him an email at mike@greenstatecounseling.com or give him a call at 802-881-4628.

Mike is an out-of-pocket provider, and holds a limited number of appointment slots for folks with Medicaid/Green Mountain Care. He is always happy to provide clients and their families with superbills that they can use to attempt to get out-of-network reimbursement from their insurance providers. Discussing a sliding scale is also always an option.