With a twenty-year career in education, and a doctorate in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology, Dr. Nicole K. Miller developed the process of Unstorying™, and is now offering Unstorying™, in one-on-one coaching sessions, small group and organizational consulting, and as personal and professional development workshops. Unstorying™ is a personalized process that combines storytelling, nondual self-inquiry, writing, archetypal psychology, guided visualization journeys, and Jungian shadow work into practical strategies to bring breakthroughs to the places you feel stuck. Nicole offers both Personal Coaching sessions, with a narrative-based, personal myth approach, and the deep dive Shadow Work of the Unstorying Session Cycle, a three-session process that dives into the shadow stories that are running the show. This is a highly transformative “AHA” experience, that gives you a practice to use in all aspects of your life.

She specializes in helping clients break through those blocks that are keeping them from living their biggest and most authentic life. Whether this be relationship patterns, career crossroads, involvement in unhealthy drama, or simply the desire to gain clarity and breathe more freely through life.

The process is a relaxed, very practical approach to self-awareness. It is both highly intuitive and employs Jungian psychological concepts, such as the Shadow and the Self, as you are guided through exercises to help you see your own stories more clearly. All sessions are done virtually, through Zoom. There are some opportunities for in person sessions, but Unstorying tends to work best in the surprisingly face-to-face setting of Zoom. 

This work is for any adult who is ready to journey within to understand their Self better, with compassion and sincere self-inquiry. Clients have ranged from age 30 to 80, and everything in between. 

It is most helpful for those who are making life transitions, and this has brought up either confusion or stuckness (finding yourself in the liminal space in between things) or those who have grown tired of repeated unhealthy patterns or drama in their lives, and are ready to dig deeper to be free of the constraints they have brought. 

Some reasons clients have worked with Dr. Miller include: challenging relationships with a family member; writing blocks; being uncertain why they freeze up in certain situations such as an interview or other important event; burnt out from their job and other obligations, and not sure what to do about it; struggling with self-doubt about living their dreams; being in recovery and looking for additional spiritual/psychological processes to gain clarity and support that journey.

Nicole’s favorite part of doing this work is that first “AHA” moment from a client, when they see not what they thought was their story, but the “story beneath the story” that has actually been holding them back. And then, when clients are able to gain a larger perspective on their stories, finding more breathing space in their lives and relationships, and getting emails weeks and months later that they are still using the practices and how it has transformed their relationships with themselves and others.

Dr. Miller has a Masters Degree in Education from Hofstra University, and Masters and Doctoral Degree from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Mythological Studies, with an emphasis in Depth Psychology. She is an ordained non-denominational minister, and spent two years with a nondual teacher living in a sangha focused inwardly on the silence of the heart. Over the years, she has trained in multiple energy healing modalities, becoming a Reiki Master Teacher and attuned in the Melchizedek Method while in London, and studying with Kapuna Mahealani Henry in Ho’oponopono Ke Ala on the Big Island of Hawai’i.

Having moved around a lot, Nicole loves exploring new places, cooking for friends and family, wandering street fairs and festivals, and being near the ocean.